Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Changing my bad habits

I am a mother of 3 kids and full time Medical Student, I am also a wife of a very handsome Firefighter.
So recently I have discovered a movie that was on Netflix called Food Inc. One day in class our teacher had us watch it as part of our course. Well upon watching this video I noticed how horrible my lifestyle and eating habit was. I was overwhelmed and discussed with myself in why i didn't take care of my health better.

No wonder why my health is failing in every direction it had to do with the way i ate.
Just because i was "always busy" and never made time for me all i had time to do was get fast food or pop something quick in the microwave. I never stopped to realize that this was affecting me big time.
I started gaining weight and not working out as much as i should. Is this really what our world has come too? We are too busy so just pop something in the microwave or grab a bag of chips.

Ive learned that the animal meat and dairy products have hormones and extra things they add to it that aren't the healthiest for you. I may not have all the details of what is added in all the foods but i did learn one thing, no matter how busy we think our lives are we can always make time for ourself. We just have to put in the effort to do it. So recently in the last week I have went to a "Whole Food Diet" Best choice Ive made concerning my health in a very long time.
 I've lost about 5 pounds since I eliminated hormone foods and dairy.

Food Inc.
Above is the link to the movie info.